
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Early Career Award 

Sebastian was awarded an Impact Acceleration Award from EPSRC to explore applications of spatial and topological metric to biomedical imaging data. Congratulation!

EPSRC Doctoral Prize 

Giovanni was awarded an EPSRC Doctoral Prize in Innovation for investigating metabolism in the heart. Congratulations Gianni!

Oxford SIAM UK Conference best poster award

Margherita was awarded best poster at the Oxford SIAM UKIE National Student Chapter Conference 2023. The poster titled  "How does ECM stiffness affect collective cancer cell migration?" showed her PhD project, which focuses on studying the effects of the stiffness of the extracellular matrix on collective cancer cell migration and tumour growth in 3D by building a mathematical model, starting from in vitro experimental data.

Images of Research award

Sebastian was chosen as the Judges runner-up in the College of EPS "Images of Research" competition here at the University of Birmingham. To see his entry and others, check out the link:

The Alan Turing Institute Post-Doctoral Enrichment Award

Yin Hoon Chew was awarded an Alan Turing Institute Post-Doctoral Enrichment Award (PDEA). The PDEA offers flexible funds to enable researchers to build on their current research, develop and grow activities related to the core aims of the scheme with support from the Turing community. Check out more about this award here: